Saturday, July 11, 2009

Amazing Artisan- Phil Hansen

This week's Amazing Artisan is Phil Hansen. I spend much of my time looking at Mr. Hansen's art with my mouth hanging open. I am in awe of his artistic talent. He has an unusual way of looking at the world which turns his art into something more than just wonderful to view. He uses non-traditional media to create much of his work and ties it to the subject of the piece.

Some of his work can be found on his web site, Phil Hansen's Art. He also has a channel on You Tube, Philinthecircle where he has uploaded videos of his work. Have fun watching this artisan. He is truly amazing.

Bruce Lee portrait created by karate chops...


Liz Mays said...

I'd love to have an ounce of their talent! Those were really cool. I think I've seen something kinda similar to the second one on a talk show or something, except the canvas was spinning.

ABrushWithHumor said...

Merry, that Bruce Lee video was delightful - what a clever and talented artist!


Merry said...

Wasn't he great? I love how he can take things and look at them from another prospective.