Sunday, January 17, 2010

Things to Celebrate

This week is National Thrift Week. Do something this week thrifty. From cutting your paper towels in half to making your own yarn from plastic shopping bags, there is always a way to make do and save.

January 17- Ditch New Years Resolutions Day (Did you make it this far? I quit making resolutions years ago.)
January 18- Winnie the Pooh Day (I am so happy A.A. Milne shared Winnie and friends with us. I love me some Tigger.)
January 19- National Popcorn Day
January 20- Penguin Awareness Day (Watch either "March of the Penguins" or "Happy Feet". It doesn't matter which just celebrate those cute little guys.)
January 21- National Hugging Day (Robyn has a friend who celebrates this every day. Yea Shelby!)
January 22- Answer Your Cat's Questions Day (I don't know if there is enough time in the day to do this, but I will try. I know Pretty's first question will be "When is everyone else in the house leaving?")
January 23- National Pie Day (Pie always reminds me of one of my favorite movies, "Michael". They have a great scene in the movie about pie...I am more of a cake person tho.)


Lin said...

Oh man, I'm gonna hide on cat question day. Hobbes' one and only question is "Who wants to play with me?" Arrrgghhhh!

Merry said...

I wish I were closer. I would love to play with him :)

Amanda said...

That was fun to read!!! My Mom's birthday is January 23. She needs a yummy pie!